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Jessica P. Montoro, M.S.

Ph.D. Candidate

Developmental Psychology 

Department of Psychology

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor



Address: Department of Psychology

530 Church Street, 2048 East Hall

Ann Arbor, MI 48109




My research examines how Latinx youth’s psychological and academic well-being are influenced by cultural and socioeconomic factors. My various research projects, several of which I have collaborated on with undergraduate and graduate students, focus on the roles of:

a) ethnic-racial socialization (i.e.familial messages around ethnicity and race)
b) stressors and culture across various contexts, and
c) ethnic-racial and social class identities on Latinx youth’s psychological and academic adjustment.

Ultimately, my research works towards eradicating mental health and education disparities amongst Latinx youth. 


Rivas-Drake, D., Montoro J. P., Agi, A. (2023) Canaries and Bellwethers: What Can We Learn about Racial Justice from Studying Ethnic-Racial Identity Within and Across Groups? In Witherspoon, D., Stein, G. L. (Ed.),


Montoro, J.P., Miller, S., Cross, F., Rivas-Drake, D. (2022) Ethnic-Racial Identity Differences and the Promotive Role of Family Cohesion on Latinx Adolescents’ Depressive Symptoms. In Johnson, D., Chuang, S., Glozman, J. (Ed.), Re/Formation and Identity: The Intersectionality of Development, Culture, and Immigration. Springer.


Ceballo, R., Montoro, J.P. (2021). Latinx Adolescents Facing Multiple Daily Stressors and the Protective Role of Familismo. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology. Advance online publication. 


Kilday, J. E., Montoro, J. P., Rivas-Drake, D., Ryan, A. M., & Umaña-Taylor, A. J. (2020). Coping with Discrimination from Peers and Adults: Implications for Adolescents’ School Belonging. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 1-18.


Cross, F. L., Agi, A., Montoro, J. P., Medina, M. A., Miller-Tejada, S., Pinetta, B. J., ... & Rivas-Drake, D. (2020). Illuminating ethnic-racial socialization among undocumented Latinx parents and its implications for adolescent  psychosocial functioning. Developmental Psychology, 56(8), 1458.


Ceballo, R., Alers-Rojas, F., Montoro, J. P., & Mora, A. S. (2020). Contextual stressors and the role of religion and spirituality in the mental health of Latino/a immigrant parents and youth. In Mental and Behavioral Health of Immigrants in the United States (pp. 135-155). Academic Press.

Manuscripts Under Review and In Preparation 

Rivas-Drake, D., Rosario-Ramos, McGovern, G., Pinetta, B. J., Montoro, J.P., Channey, J. (under review). Stretching Towards Social Justice: A Case Study of Transformative Social and Emotional Learning (SEL). 


Mistry, R.S., Hazelbaker, T., Montoro, J.P., Coddington, C., Kimura, A.M., Yo, J. (under review). Promoting and Nurturing the Healthy Development of Children of Color: An Ecological Perspective on How and Why Race/Ethnicity Matter for Child Development. In Bornstein, M.H., Shah, P.E. (Ed.), APA Handbook of Pediatric Psychology, Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics, and Developmental Science. American Psychological Association.


Montoro, J.P., Rivas-Drake, D., Banerjee, M. (in prep). Profiles of Latinx college students’ ethnic-racial socialization and socioeconomic status. 


Montoro, J.P., Rivas-Drake, Chavous, T.M. (in prep). Intersections of Ethnic-Racial and Social Class Identity Among Latinx College Students. 



Teaching Experience

Research Methods in Psychology


Role: Teaching Assistant

Level: Open to all


Fall 2016 & Winter 2017


Cerritos College


Psych 250: Intro to Developmental Psychology

Role: Graduate Student Instructor
Level: Open to all
Winter 2018 & Winter 2020 
University of Michigan

Teaching Experience
Blue Timeline Cycle Presentation.jpg





Psychology Today Blog with Dr. Deborah Rivas-Drake

Post #1: Things No One Told Me About Pursuing a Psychology Ph.D.

Post #2: Use Your Inner Compass Getting Your Ph.D. Without Losing Yourself


Blog Posts
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